Policy Support Seed Funding - Invitation from the University of Roehampton

The University of Roehampton has launched an internal funding call – open to all researchers across the university – for projects focused on supporting engagement with and the work of policymakers. Specifically, this funding opportunity is for projects that support:


  • new and extended research activity working in partnership with policymakers
  • activity aimed at improving the dialogue and facilitating the use of existing research and the exchange of knowledge between universities and policymakers


  • activity and training to better equip academics to communicate effectively with policymakers
  • partnerships and collaborations aimed at supporting evidence-based policy making

To ensure that the proposals submitted to this funding opportunity are truly useful and co-designed with the input from experienced policymakers, we are aiming to hold an online briefing event regarding this initiative (60-90mins) during the week of the 21-25 November, creating a space for local policymakers to explain their greatest needs, know-how and experience in working with academics, and suggestions on how to improve those collaborations. The event would look to introduce the funding opportunity and its objectives, followed by inputs/discussions with policymakers, where they can set out key policy issues that could benefit from research support from the University.

We want to invite local policymakers to join us and speak at this event, to share their experience, raise awareness to key policy issues and discuss potential research projects aimed at providing and developing solutions. If you are interested in participating, please contact José Magalhães, Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange Development at the University of Roehampton, by Monday, 14th of November. This is an opportunity to discuss, collaborate (and fund) small-scale projects that have the potential to address local policy needs, so please do get in touch.

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