Design Lab: Building a Sustainable Future

11:00 - 16:00 | 6 September 2023 | Kingston University Townhouse, KT1 2EE

A row of houses along suburban British street

The retrofitting of residential and commercial buildings is crucial for improving energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and achieving sustainability goals.

However, businesses involved in providing the goods and services necessary for retrofitting face significant challenges related to supply chains and the size of demand. These challenges hinder the efficient and timely execution of retrofitting projects, hampering progress towards a greener and more sustainable built environment.

We invite businesses and residents to join us to explore challenges you are facing and come up with solutions!

Are you concerned about:
  • Improving your property
  • Saving resources and reducing costs
  • Reducing negative impact on the environment
  • Moving towards green energy production
Our key target audience are businesses in retrofit sector and their concerns are different. Some of them are below, to mention a few:
  • Limited public knowledge and engagement on the subject
  • Willingness to retrofit and trust in the process
  • Supply and demand issues
  • Contractors not knowing the commercial benefit of retrofit
  • Skills shortages
  • Cost of retrofit and limited availability of funding
  • Inconsistent government policy and investment
We are particularly going to focus on two challenges around retrofitting. They are:
  • Retrofitting residential and commercial buildings: supply chains and size of demand challenges for the businesses providing the goods and services which enable retrofitting
  • Improving the efficiency of your buildings and particularly finding financial efficiency through sharing of costs and benefits between landlords and occupiers.

What are your challenges in this area? Submit them before the session to discuss them on the day!

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