Funding and Collaboration for Growth

16:30 - 19:30 | 24 April 2023 | Grove House, Froebel College, University of Roehampton

Embracing an innovative approach within your business or charitable organisation will lead to long-term commercial benefits, efficiency, productivity, competitiveness, and increased sales and investment.

You’re more than likely doing this to some extent already, but now more than ever, there’s a continual need to adapt to meet the changing needs of your customers and market conditions. What support and funding exists in South London to boost your product, service or technology development and growth?

This event – co-organised by BIG South London and academic partners the University of Roehampton and St George’s University – will provide a practical case study to help SMEs unlock the benefits of academic collaboration.

Specifically, we’ll be looking at Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) – a grant-subsidised way to bring graduates supported by academic expertise into your business.

KTPs is a UK-wide programme managed by Innovate UK. It’s been running for 45 years and has supported more than 14,000 businesses to drive innovation for a positive impact.

What could a KTP help you with?

• Solve a specific challenge that your business is facing.

• Bring new expertise and resources into your business that you don’t have in-house.

• Improve business processes and performance.

• Develop new or better products or services.

• Build management capability.

Who is the event for?

• Businesses, charities, social enterprises, and public sector organisations based in the South London sub-region.

• Academics from South London-based universities.

• Business support organisations.

• Community interest groups.

• Professional service providers.


16.30 – 17.00: Arrival & refreshments.

Collaboration showcase – an overview of the opportunities for university – business collaboration

17.00 – 17.10: Welcome

Professor Richard Keogh, PVC, Research and External Engagement

17.10 – 17.25:Overview of the UK’s Innovation Funding Landscape – Innovate UK KTN

Steve Welch, Director of Ideas, Innovate UK KTN

17.25 – 17.40: Introduction to Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) – Innovate UK KTN

Shona Campbell, Innovate UK KTN

17.40 – 18.30: Panel Session – Collaboration case studies

Hear from the experiences and benefits of the KTP from business owners; academics and professional support services

18.30 – 18.45: Closing Comments

Matthew Hamilton, Director, South London Partnership

18.45 – 19.30: Networking, drinks and nibbles

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