The 3 Layers of Business

16:00 - 20:00 | 30 November 2022 | 3 Wellesley Rd, Croydon CRO 2AG

3 layers of business event

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Since Covid, the world has completely changed; the way people shop, the way they communicate, the way they work, and even the way they socialise. Most would say that social media has split people apart, others would say it’s brought the world closer together, but whether it’s either, or, we can all agree, there has been a massive shift.

So, what are the possibilities? How are high streets surviving? How are businesses intriguing customers to become loyal to their brand? And how are businesses enticing staff to stay on board, rather than jumping ship?

As Marcus Chidley, CEO of Loqiva said in a Q&A earlier this year on a Greener, Healthier Future, “for me, perhaps the biggest change is this concept of brand loyalty. People are no longer wed to certain brands. We buy based on a whole list of attributes – experience, ethics and value. In fact, millennials and Generation Z want exclusivity – which is why limited-edition shops and pop-ups have become all the rage in recent years…”

The Mula Cake Bakery has recently been invited to partner with LSBU and Big South London.

Mula Cake Bakery is targeting all of the above to achieve great social impact that will bring people back into the High Street, engage them in educational and uplifting activities, in a fun and inclusive way, and support other businesses to focus on 21st-century approaches to CRM i.e., as Marcus puts it, to “rethink town centres and cast them as community hubs. Provide retail and social experiences in ways more compatible with what people expect in 2022. Not 1992…”

We will achieve greatness together by starting to position Croydon on the map as London’s capital of community innovation. The Task Ahead: Reinventing the High Street, Education and Business Thinking with Mula Cake. They say big businesses are too big to fail, and small businesses are too small to scale. Is this statement true, though?

One part of our plan is an Introductory Event for local businesses, lecturers, students and teachers- Teaching the Three Layers of Modern Business

With social influence, community inclusion and innovative customer engagement on a high, a lot of companies are being left behind. They are missing out on the many opportunities being created by technology due to the fast-changing pace of thinking and awareness needed. We are the bridge between web 2 (the now) and web 3 (the future), helping, businesses not only to thrive but also to create opportunities to sustain success.

Join us on November 30th to collect your ingredients for building business success. The 3 Layer Business Success workshop will take place at LSBU from 16:00 – 20:00.

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